Precinct Chairs Duties
Help promote and grow the
local county party
Work to elect Republican
candidates to office
Your #1 goal is to
maximize the Republican vote in your precinct
Elected for a two year term
in the Republican Primary by filing with the County
Chair to be on the ballot
If the election has passed
and the position is or becomes vacant the County
Executive Committee (CEC) may appoint someone to
fill the position
Identify, register, inform
and turnout voters
Get to know Republicans in
your precinct
Organize voters in your
precinct and provide opportunities to become more
Participate in County
Executive Committee Meetings
Serve as an Officer,
Committee Chair or Committee Member
Recruit Precinct Chairs &
Help work precincts without
Precinct Chairs
Assist your County Chair as
Place signs at polling
locations the night prior to the election
Serve as or recruit voters as
an Election Judge or Election Clerk
Conduct the Precinct
Convention as the Temporary Chair and ensure that
all precinct convention paperwork is returned to the
County Chair
· Assist the County Chair as needed to hold the County or Senate District Convention